

張俊偉 助理教授

  • 張俊偉 助理教授
  • 經歷:國立中央大學/中央研究院 地球系統科學國際研究生學位學程 博士

  • 辦公室:
  • 漁業科學館405室

  • 聯絡電話:(02)3366-2874

  • 電子郵件:cwchang@ntu.edu.tw

  • 研究主題:
  • 計算生物學、浮游生物多樣性、漁業族群動力系統模擬、湖沼海洋學、水域生態學、網絡生物學

  • 開設課程:生物統計學
  • 統計生態學與程式語言應用


  1. 全球變遷下多種群漁業資源整合管理與風險評估
  2. 水域生物多樣性與生態系功能
  3. 水資源重點區域之長期水質生態監測
  4. 非線性動力系統分析之方法學建立與模擬
  5. 生物交互作用網絡的重建與解析

我的研究興趣是透過分析時序追蹤資料來重建系統層級因子 (例如:物種多樣性、生產力)之間的因果關係以及各構成單元(例如:生物族群、蛋白質)之間的交互作用(例如:競爭、促進、抑制等)。在真實的生物系統中,系統通常由數量眾多的基本單元所構成,例如眾多物種可構成食物網、諸多蛋白質亦可在單一細胞中構成蛋白質交互作用網絡。解析這些複雜網絡的演算法雖然在過去二十年間不斷地被發展出來,然而如何從實測的資料推論並且重建這些複雜網絡依舊是研究自然系統的一大挑戰。在過去我應用了非線性時間序列分析重建水域生態系中藻類的物種多樣性與生物量之間的回饋調控,並且發現該調控如何影響水域系統的穩定性並且受到全球暖化之衝擊。隨後,我更進一步發展全新的演算法得以重建大型、由成千上百個基礎單元所組成的交互作用網絡,並且重建自然環境下諸多細菌物種之間的交互作用網絡。而這樣的演算法如今也應用在解析多漁業族群之間的交互作用網絡,透過這些網絡可以幫助我們評估這些漁業族群的穩定性與生態韌性,並且提供有效的風險評估與永續管理準則。


1. Chang, C. W., S. Munch, C.  h. Hsieh*. (2022) Comments on identifying causal relationships in nonlinear dynamical systems via empirical mode decomposition. Nature Communications 13, 2860. (IF: 14.919; Rank: 4/72 in Multidisciplinary Science)

2. Chang, C. W., T. Miki, H. Ye, S. Souissi, R. Adrian, O. Anneville, H. Agasild, S. Ban, Y. Be'eri-Shlevin, Y. R. Chiang, H. Feuchtmayr, G. Gal, S. Ichise, M. Kagami, M. Kumagai, X. Liu, S. S. Matsuzaki, M. Manca, P. Nõges, R. Piscia, M. Rogora, F. K. Shiah, S. Thackeray, C. Widdicombe, J. T. Wu, T. Zohary, C. h. Hsieh*. (2022) Causal networks of phytoplankton diversity and biomass are modulated by environmental context. Nature Communications 13, 1140. (IF: 14.919; Rank: 4/72 in Multidisciplinary Science)

3. Chang, C. W., T. Miki, M. Ushio, P. J. Ke, H. P. Lu, F. K. Shiah, C. h. Hsieh*. (2021) Reconstructing large interaction networks from empirical time series data. Ecology Letters 24:2763–2774. (IF: 9.492; Rank: 8/166 in Ecology)

4. Chang, C. W., H. Ye, T. Miki, E. R. Deyle, S. Souissi, O. Anneville, R. Adrian, Y. R. Chiang, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, S. S. Matsuzaki, F. K. Shiah, J. T. Wu, C. h. Hsieh*, G. Sugihara*. (2020) Long-term warming destabilizes aquatic ecosystems through weakening biodiversity-mediated causal networks. Global Change Biology 26(11): 6413-6423. (IF: 10.863; Rank: 9/274 in Environmental sciences and 1/60 in Biodiversity conservation)

5. Ho, P. C., C. W. Chang, F. K. Shiah, P. L. Wang, C. h. Hsieh, K. H. Andersen. (2020) Body size, light intensity and nutrient supply determine plankton stoichiometry in mixotrophic plankton food webs. American Naturalist 195(4):E100-E111. (IF: 3.926; Rank: 40/166 in Ecology)

6. Ye, L., C. W. Chang, S. S. Matsuzaki, N. Takamura, C. E. Widdicombe, C. h. Hsieh. (2019). Functional diversity promotes phytoplankton resource use efficiency. Journal of Ecology 107:2353-2363. (IF: 6.256; Rank: 15/166 in Ecology and 16/235 in Plant Sciences)

7. Anneville, O., C. W. Chang, G. Dur, S. Souissi, F. Rimet, C. h. Hsieh. (2019) The paradox of the re-oligotrophication: the role of bottom-up versus top-down controls on the phytoplankton community. Oikos 128:1666–1677. (IF: 3.903; Rank: 41/166 in Ecology)

8. Austria, E. S., C. W. Chang, K. W. Wang, J. S. Awingan, K. Y. Li, and F. K. Shiah. (2019). Vertical structure of heterotrophic bacterioplankton communities in the western Pacific Ocean. Philippine Journal of Science 148:155-165. (IF: 0.53)

9. Ushio M., C. h. Hsieh, R. Masuda, E. R. Deyle, H. Ye, C. W. Chang, G. Sugihara, M. Kondoh. (2018) Fluctuating interaction network and time-varying stability of a natural fish community. Nature 554:360-363. (IF: 49.962; Rank: 1/73 in multidisciplinary sciences)

10. Chang C. W.*, M. Ushio*, C. h. Hsieh*. (2017) Empirical dynamic modeling for beginners. Ecological Research 32:785–796. (IF: 1.917; Rank: 112/166 in Ecology; Citation: 120)

11. Itoh M., H. Kojima, P. C. Ho, C. W. Chang, T. Y. Chen, S. S. Y. Hsiao, Y. Kobayashi, M. Fujibayashi, S. J. Kao, C. h. Hsieh, M. Fukui, N. Okuda, T. Miki. F. K. Shiah. (2017) Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan. Ecological Research 32:861–871. (IF: 1.917; Rank: 112/166 in Ecology)

12. Iwayama A., H. Ogura, Y. Hirama, C. W. Chang, C. h. Hsieh, M. Kagami. (2017) Phytoplankton species abundance in Lake Inba (Japan) from 1986 to 2016. Ecological Research 32:783. (IF: 1.917; Rank: 112/166 in Ecology)

13. Ho P. C., N. Okuda, T. Miki, M. Itoh, F. K. Shiah, C. W. Chang, S. S. Y. Hsiao, S. J. Kao, M. Fujibayashi, C. h. Hsieh. (2016) Summer profundal hypoxia determines the coupling of methanotrophic production and the pelagic food web in a subtropical reservoir. Freshwater Biology 61:1694-1706. (IF: 3.809; Rank: 9/112 in Marine & Freshwater Biology).

14. Chang C. W., T. Miki, F. K. Shiah, S. J. Kao, J. T. Wu, A. R. Sastri, C. h. Hsieh*. (2014) Linking secondary structure of individual size distributions with nonlinear size-trophic level relationship in food web. Ecology 95:897-909. (IF: 5.499; Rank: 22/166 in Ecology)

15. Chang C. W.*, F. K. Shiah, J. T. Wu, T. Miki, and C. h. Hsieh. (2014) The role of food availability and phytoplankton community dynamics in the seasonal succession of zooplankton community in a subtropical reservoir. Limnologica 46:131-138. (IF: 2.093; Rank: 8/21 in Limnology)

16. Tsai C. H., T. Miki, C. W. Chang, K. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, C. h. Hsieh. (2014) Phytoplankton functional group dynamics explain species abundance distribution in a directionally changing environment. Ecology 95:3335-3343. (IF: 5.499; Rank: 22/166 in Ecology)

17. Ho P. C., C. W. Chang, C. h. Hsieh, F. K. Shiah, T. Miki. (2013) Effects of increasing nutrient supply and omnivorous feeding on the size spectrum slope: a size-based nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model. Population Ecology 55: 247-259. (IF: 2.100; Rank: 103/166 in Ecology)

18. Chang F. H., E. C. Marquis, C. W. Chang, G. C. Gong, C. h. Hsieh. (2013) Scaling of growth rate and mortality with size and its consequence on size spectra of natural microphytoplankton assemblages in the East China Sea. Biogeosciences 10:5267-5280. (IF: 4.295; Rank: 41/199 in Geoscience, Multidiscipline).